Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

For full compliance with Australian Standard AS 3745-2010: Planning for Emergencies in Facilities, include a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) in your overall Emergency Evacuation Plan and checklist.

A PEEP is a tailored emergency strategy specifically crafted for occupants with special needs, providing assistance during evacuations.

Our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals is available to support building owners, managers, and occupants in creating personalised emergency evacuation plans that fully adhere to regulations. Tailored to accommodate individuals with diverse special needs or disabilities within the facility, our services align with the requirements outlined in the Australian Standard. Let us guide you through the process of crafting personal emergency evacuation plans occupants.

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We can tailor your PEEP for occupants with a variety of requirements.

  • Use alternative forms of information and communication
  • Ambulatory disability
  • Accompanied by an assistant
  • Easily experience extreme confusion in an emergency
  • Have a guide or companion animal
  • Wheeled mobility appliance
  • Easily fatigued
  • Experience acute anxiety in an emergency

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