Compliance Training


PCBU’s for Australian workplaces have a duty of care to provide a safe workplace for their occupants. Part of their duty of care involves ensuring the workplace has adequately trained staff to implement emergency response procedures. You can explore our range of essential training courses below or if you have something more specific in mind, why not reach out to us, as our highly skilled and experienced team of professionals would be happy to tailor a packed to suit your needs.

Tailor Your Needs

Explore our Compliance Training Courses

General & First Response Course
30 min

Ensure safety in Standard Business, Aged Care, and Child Care with our tailored General & First Response Training modules.

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Chief Warden Course
30 min

Lead confidently in emergencies. Chief Warden (ECO) Training hones skills for effective evacuation and safety management.

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Emergency Response Training
30 min

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Evacuation Exercises
30 min

An Evacuation Exercise is crucial for organisations aiming to equip their staff and wardens with the necessary practical skills and confidence for building evacuations.

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Manual Handling
45 min

Our Manual Handling Course spans healthcare, aged care, warehouses, offices. Promotes safety, reduces injuries, covers affected body parts, empowers risk management.

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